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Correct use of the infinitive or gerund. Uso corecto del infinitivo o gerundio

Use of the infinitive with to (e.g to play) and Use of the gerund (-ing form)

The most important rule is to learn the following list. We use infinitive with to or gerinds after some verbs. These verbs are put into the following groups.

*NOTE: some verbs might be missing (algunos verbos pueden faltar) These are the most common and popular . Algunos verbos pueden estar en otros grupos.

Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

She decided to leave work early

agree / aim / appear / arrange / ask / attempt / be able
beg / begin /care /choose /condescend /consent /continue
dare /decide /deserve /detest/dislike/expect /fail /forget
get/happen /have /hesitate /hope /hurry /intend /leap
leave/like /long /love /mean /neglect /offer /ought /plan
prefer/prepare /proceed /promise /propose /refuse /remember
say /shoot /start /stop /strive /swear /threaten /try
use /wait/want /wish /

Verbs Followed by an Object and an Infinitive

I always allow my daughter to watch TV at night.

advise/allow /ask /beg /bring /build /buy /challenge /choose /command
dare/direct /encourage /expect /forbid /force /have /hire /instruct /invite
lead /leave/let /like /love /motivate /order /pay /permit /persuade
prepare /promise /remind /require /send /teach /tell
urge /want /warn

Verbs Followed by a Gerund

They enjoyed working on the boat.

admit/advise /appreciate /avoid /can't help /complete /consider
delay /deny /detest /dislike /enjoy /escape /excuse
finish /forbid /get through /have /imagine /mind
miss /permit /postpone /practice /quit /recall /report
resent /resist /resume /risk /spend (time) /suggest /tolerate /waste (time)

Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund

We concentrated on doing well.

admit to /approve of /argue about /believe in /care about
complain about /concentrate on /confess to /depend on
disapprove of /discourage from /dream about /feel like
forget about /insist on /object to /plan on
prevent (someone) from /refrain from /succeed in /talk about
think about /worry about

The folowing can be followed by the infinitive or gerund form:

can afford / can't bear / begin
cease/commence/ continue
dread / hate / like
loathe /love / neglect
prefer/ propose /(can't) stand
start / undertake

Examples: I started studying English = I started to study English

Other rules

Use Infinitive (with to)

- After adjectives; It is very nice to see you

- To show purpose (to say why you do something);

Examples: I went to the disco to have fun

Use gerunds (-ing form)

- As the subject of the sentence; Drinking too much alchohol is bad for your health.

- After prepositions; He talked to Maria about going to a bar.

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