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Present Continuous for future plans or arrangements

The present continous is used as we duscussed for activities happening at the moment (CLICK AQUI si no sabes como formar oraciones con presente continuous).

This tense can also be used to describe events or plans in the future that are arranged or fixed.
Common expressions where we use present continuous for future arrangements are:

- tonight, next month (year,week) tomorrow, this weekend etc.


My plane is arriving tonight at about 8:30 pm.
My parents are leaving town tomorrow.
Jack isn't meeting with us next weekend.

Remember: All these sentences can be used with "going to". We use present continuous to simplify the sentence but it is optional

My plane is arriving tonight at about 8:30 pm = My plane is going to arrive tonight at about 8:30.

There is no difference!


What are you doing later?
I am playing soccer.

Is your friend coming to eat with us in the afternoon?
Yes, he is.

NOTA: No quiero que se confundan con este uso del presente continuous. Es una opción en el ingles y es igual que el futuro con going to. Presente continuous solo se puede entender como un futuro si es que hay una frase especifica de un tiempo en el futuro (como tonight, tomorrow etc) Si es que no hay estas phrases se recomienda usar el going to para ser mas claros. Ustedes tienen esta opción de usar cual deseen pero es necesario saber que el presente continuous también puede ser usado como un futuro.

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