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There is/are & There was/were

Present Form

It is used to say that something exists.

There is is for singular

There is a chair in the living room.
These isn't a bathroom in the mall
Is there a computer in that classroom?

There are is for plural

There are (some,many) chairs.
There are (some, many) good teachers in that institute.
There aren't (any, many) apples in the fridge.
Are there (any, many) books on the desk?

* There is & there are = "hay" in spanish.

Past Form

It is used to say that something existed or took place

There was is for singular

There was a chair in the living room.
These wasn't a bathroom in the mall
Was there a computer in that classroom?

There were is for plural

There were (some,many) chairs.
There were (some, many) good teachers in that institute.
There weren't (any, many) apples in the fridge.
Were there (any, many) books on the desk?

* There was & there were = "hubo" , "hubieron" in spanish.

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